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Service Governance & Project Delivery Course (3 Modules)
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Service Governance & Project Delivery Course Program Overview
Service Governance & Proyect Delivery Master Symbol Legend
Module 15: Fundamental Service Governance and Project Delivery
Module 15 Overview
Lesson 1: Fundamental SOA Governance (8:27)
Exercise 15.1
Lesson 2: The SOA Governance Program Office (3:58)
Exercise 15.2
Lesson 3: Governing SOA Projects (17:26)
Lesson 4: Governing SOA Adoption Planning (14:42)
Exercise 15.3
Lesson 5: Service Information & Service Policy Governance (14:13)
Exercise 15.4
Lesson 6: SOA Governance Vitality (12:42)
Exercise 15.5
Lesson 7: SOA Governance Technology (12:03)
Exercise 15.6
Module 16: Advanced Service Governance and Project Delivery
Module 16 Overview
Lesson 1: Governing Service Inventory Analysis (6:08)
Lesson 2: Governing Service-Oriented Analysis (Service Modeling) (9:26)
Exercise 16.1
Lesson 3: Governing Service-Oriented Design (Service Contract) (3:18)
Lesson 4: Governing Service Logic Design (4:13)
Lesson 5: Governing Service Development (7:21)
Exercise 16.2
Lesson 6: Governance Service Testing (4:49)
Lesson 7: Governing Service Deployment and Maintenance (2:48)
Exercise 16.3
Lesson 8: Governing Service Usage and Monitoring (6:25)
Lesson 9: Governing Service Discovery (3:55)
Lesson 10: Governing Service Versioning and Retirement (4:43)
Exercise 16.4
Exercise 16.5
Module 17 Service Governance Lab
Module 17 Overview
Reading Exercise 17.1: MLI Mini Case Study Background (~15 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.2: Organizational Assessment & Jurisdiction Model (~45 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.3: Service Information Governance Controls (~45 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.4: Define Vitality Triggers (~30 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.5: Complete Vitality Process (~60 minutes)
Reading Exercise 17.6: TFC Mini Case Study Background (~15 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.7: Improving a Flawed Governance Precept (~45 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.8: Identify Missing Governance Controls (~60 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.9: Identify and Apply New SOA Governance Controls (~75 minutes)
Lab Exercise 17.10: Automate SOA Governance Tasks (~60 minutes)
Supplement: Service Governence Mobule 17 Mind Map Poster
Become a Service Governance Specialist
Step 1 - Take the Self-Test (Optional)
Step 2 - Order and Schedule the Exam
Step 3 - Purchase Exam Prep Kit (Optional)
Instructor-Led Training & Coaching Information
Online Coaching Order
Printed Course Materials
Lab Exercise 17.4: Define Vitality Triggers (~30 minutes)
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