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Machine Learning Course (3 Modules)
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Machine Learning Course Program Overview
Machine Learning Course Symbol Legend
Module 7: Fundamental Machine Learning
Module 7 Overview
Lesson 1: Understanding Machine Learning (18:59)
Exercise 7.1
Lesson 2: Fundamental Terms and Concepts (8:03)
Exercise 7.2
Lesson 3: How Machine Learning Works (4:22)
Exercise 7.3
Lesson 4: Machine Learning Algorithms and Practices (24:59)
Exercise 7.4
Lesson 5: How Machine Learning Systems Work (12:52)
Exercise 7.5
Lesson 6: Machine Learning in the Industry (4:28)
Supplement: Machine Learning Algorithms and Practices Reference Supplement
Module 8: Advanced Machine Learning
Module 8 Overview
Lesson 1: Data Exploration Patterns (7:04)
Exercise 8.1
Lesson 2: Data Reduction Patterns (3:26)
Exercise 8.2
Lesson 3: Data Wrangling Patterns (9:02)
Exercise 8.3
Lesson 4: Supervised Learning Patterns (3:55)
Exercise 8.4
Lesson 5: Unsupervised Learning Patterns (6:10)
Exercise 8.5
Lesson 6: Model Evaluation Patterns (7:47)
Exercise 8.6
Lesson 7: Model Optimization Patterns (8:58)
Exercise 8.7
Machine Learning Patterns and Mechanisms Mapping Reference Matrix
Module 9: Machine Learning Lab
Module 9 Overview
Reading Exercise 9.1 Mini Case Study: RHE R&D Company (~5 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.2 Retrieving the Training Data (~40 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.3 Selecting the Correct Algorithm (~40 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.4 Modeling Features and Representation (~40 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.5 Measuring and Optimizing the Trained Model (~40 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.6 Correcting Inconsistent Features (~40 minutes)
Reading Exercise 9.7 Mini Case Study: GTO Financial Institution (~5 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.8 Identifying Customer Transaction Data (~40 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.9 Assessing Customer Risk (~40 minutes)
Lab Exercise 9.10 Identifying Alarming Spending Patterns (~40 minutes)
Supplement: Module 9 Mind Map Poster
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Instructor-Led Training & Coaching Information
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Lab Exercise 9.8 Identifying Customer Transaction Data (~40 minutes)
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